(1)Except for willful and wanton acts or omissions, no state commission or agency or county or municipal agency, including local emergency planning committees, citizen corps councils, fire protection districts, and volunteer fire, ambulance, or emergency service and rescue groups, nor their officers, officials, directors, employees, or volunteers, when engaged in emergency planning, service, or response activities regarding a hazardous material release, threat of release, or act of terrorism, shall be liable for:
- (a)
The death of or injury to any person or for the loss of or damage to property or the environment resulting from the hazardous material release, threat of release, or act of terrorism; or
- (b)
The acts of an insurer or insurance company, corporation, association, or partnership, including any employees, contractors, or agents, engaged in activities intended to protect the insurable private property interests of the insurer’s policyholders from harm, loss, damage, or destruction.